
Teaching Philosophy
As a teacher there is no greater reward than to see your students learn and apply the knowledge you successfully transmit to them.
Teaching convey the challenge of transmit the fundamentals as accurate as possible to individuals that learn in many different ways. Every brain is different and every brain learn through different "channels", some learn by reading, others by watching and others just by listening. Plus at a different speed.
Then, one of the main tasks as teacher is to provide the fundamentals and a clear understanding of their application. Moreover, in engineering it is essential to help students to develop critical thinking and problem solving skills. Something that can be achieved only though a clear understanding of the concepts about the phenomena under study.
My teaching labor goes beyond the classroom. In my lab research is employed as a teaching tool. We start from setting up a hypothesis from fundamentals, we test it, we discuss it, we calibrate the hypothesis, and most important we enjoy this creative process!
Fall 2024 Undergraduate students in my Separations course were asked to create a short video explaining an important concept related to their final project. The group of Samantha Garcia Marquez, Christopher Newton, and Levi Pile had a very creative entry for their project on “Membrane Separation of PFAS from Water." As we wrap up the semester, we wanted to share this fun and innovative example of student work. Enjoy!:
Reactors 2024 download materials below:
Lecture 1
New in the Plasma Catalysis Field? don't worry! we covered the basics in the following tutorial:
Carreon, Maria L. "Plasma Catalysis: a brief tutorial", Plasma Res. Express, 2019, In press (https://doi.org/10.1088/2516-1067/ab5a30)
Spring 2020. Now delivering Reaction kinetics and reactors design course online.
My lectures covering basics of Heat Transfer are now available.
(https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCn5bN55NHknY0rO5samxCdw).Click the links below:
Lecture 1: Basics of heat transfer, conduction and convection basic equations
Lecture 2: Convection and radiation basic equations, electrical analogy
Lecture 3: Multiple layer walls and cylinders
Lecture 4: Multilayers, overall heat transfer coefficient and insulation
Lecture 5: Insulation examples
Lecture 6: Fins
Lecture 7: Heat transfer between two isothermal surfaces, conduction shape factors and lumped systems
Lecture 8: Lumped system example, semi infinite region and Heisler charts
Lecture 9: Heisler charts examples
Lecture 10: Unsteady conduction- 3 methods of solution, numerical analysis in conduction- brief overview
Lecture 11: Numerical analysis in conduction example
Lecture 12: Convection
Lecture 13: Thermal boundary layer, fluid friction and heat transfer analogy
Lecture 14: External convection-Nusselt number
Lecture 15: Tube banks
Lecture 16: Internal convection
Lecture 17: Internal convection-Nusselt number
Lecture 18: Natural convection
Lecture 19: Combined convection and boiling
Lecture 20: Condensation
Lecture 21: Condensation in horizontal tube banks and solved problem examples
Lecture 22: Additional problem examples
Lecture 23: Heat exchangers basics
Lecture 24: Heat exchangers example problems
Lecture 25:Heat exchangers problem session LMTD Method
Lecture 26: Heat exchangers problem session Epsilon-NTU Method
Lecture 27: Basics on Heat Exchanger Design I
Lecture 28: Basics on Heat Exchangers Design II
Lecture 29: Heat Exchanger Design Example
Lecture 30: Heat Exchanger Design Example & top 10 heat exchangers mistakes
Lecture 31: Radiation
Lecture 32: Radiation II
Lecture 33: Radiation III
Synthesis of Porous Metal Oxides: